Surgical Approach for Kidney Donors and Recipients: Comprehensive Insight for Patients

Surgical Approach for Kidney Donors and Recipients: Comprehensive Insight for Patients

Introduction Kidney transplantation is a life-saving procedure for patients with end-stage renal disease (ESRD). For both donors and recipients, the process is about performing a well-coordinated and carefully developed surgical technique. This blog is dedicated to describe the surgical approach for kidney donors and recipients, and in particular the expertise possessed by the best kidney treatment hospitals in Delhi. If you’re thinking about becoming a living kidney donor or are about to undergo a kidney transplant, this guide will be helpful, particularly if you’re looking for the...
How AV Fistula Improves Quality of Life for Dialysis Patients

How AV Fistula Improves Quality of Life for Dialysis Patients

Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is one of the world’s most debilitating health problems according to the National Kidney Foundation “10% of the population in the world suffers from CKD, and this causes millions of people to suffer from fatal ailments because they do not have means to treat it on time.” Of these, some progress to end stage kidney disease (ESKD) (kidney functioning 10%) and they need dialysis regularly as an essential means of staying alive. Vascular access, which allows blood to be delivered to the dialysis machine, is one important component during the process of...
Urologist’s Perspective on Kidney Transplant: Ensuring Success and Long-term Health

Urologist’s Perspective on Kidney Transplant: Ensuring Success and Long-term Health

Introduction Kidney transplantation remains one of the most promising surgical treatments rendering a new lease of life for patient diagnosed with end-stage kidney disease (ESKD). Transplantation of kidney gives a much higher life expectancy and better functionality. Restoring optimal health and maintaining it through a kidney transplant procedure requires careful integrative planning which is carried out by an urologist in collaboration with the patient. India, with a population exceeding 1.4 billion, is witnessing a dramatic rise in kidney failure cases, with prevalence of CKD as...
Why Regular Fistula Checks Are Essential

Why Regular Fistula Checks Are Essential

More than 2.5 million people rely on hemodialysis worldwide. Hemodialysis makes waste removal along with excess fluids possible if your kidneys fail. However, for the process to be performed correctly, reliable vascular access must exist. Doctors create mainly three types of vascular access for dialysis in patients. These include an arteriovenous fistula, an AV graft, or a Vascular Tunneled Central Catheter Access.  The arteriovenous (AV) fistula is the preferred type because it provides long-term access while causing fewer complications than catheters or grafts. However, you must go for...
What to Expect at Our Vascular Access Camp
26 December 2024by Team Epitome

What to Expect at Our Vascular Access Camp

Taking care of your vascular access is important for safe and effective dialysis. You should never ignore any issues related to kidney, dialysis, or vascular access, as they can result in severe conditions. That is why we have created the Vascular Access Camp. It is a place where dialysis patients can get expert care, advanced screenings, and valuable advice. The camp offers discounted diagnostic services to ensure your vascular access stays in top condition, all for just INR 650. The camp is held every Monday and Thursday to make high-quality care accessible to everyone. Let’s dive into...
Understanding Vascular Access for Dialysis Patients
20 December 2024by Team Epitome

Understanding Vascular Access for Dialysis Patients

For people with end-stage renal disease, dialysis is a lifeline, taking over the vital functions of failing kidneys. At the centre of this life-saving treatment is vascular access—a connection between a patient’s bloodstream and the dialysis machine. Understanding the types of vascular access, their role, and how to handle potential challenges can empower patients and caregivers to ensure smooth, effective dialysis care. What Does Vascular Access Do? Vascular access acts as the gateway for dialysis, allowing blood to flow to and from the dialysis machine. Since large volumes of blood...
The Benefits of AV Fistulas Over Other Dialysis Methods
12 December 2024by Team Epitome

The Benefits of AV Fistulas Over Other Dialysis Methods

Arteriovenous (AV) fistulas are typically regarded as the most accepted mode of long-term hemodialysis access by both patients and nephrologists. They are more durable, less complicated, and give better results than other methods.  Studies have shown that AV fistula treatment is associated with fewer complications, lower infection rates, and lower mortality rates compared with catheters or grafts. Central venous catheters, on the other hand, increase the risk of infection and are often indicated only for short periods. Thus, a mature AV fistula is usually recommended for patients starting...
Expert Tips for Keeping Your Fistula Healthy
25 November 2024by Team Epitome

Expert Tips for Keeping Your Fistula Healthy

When you have end-stage renal disease (ESRD) and undergo dialysis, an arteriovenous (AV) fistula is probably created as the dialysis access. An AV fistula is a surgical opening or connection between a vein and artery, usually in the upper arm, to permit increased blood flow. This improved blood flow provides more blood access to and from the patient's body to the dialysis machine, which increases the removal of waste and extra fluid. AV fistula creation is the best method of dialysis access because it is long-lasting, has minimum complications, and provides better blood flow than other...
Common Myths About Dialysis and Vascular Access: What You Need to Know
20 November 2024by Team Epitome

Common Myths About Dialysis and Vascular Access: What You Need to Know

Dialysis saves lives for those with kidney failure, but myths rooted in fear often prevent patients from seeking out this necessary treatment. In the U.S., 785,000 people are living with ESKD, and about 70% of them are on dialysis for sustenance. Despite its life-extending benefits, many patients delay care due to myths about pain, permanent dependence, or poor quality of life, which can lead to worsened health outcomes or hospitalizations​. Families that believe such myths, therefore, lose opportunities to improve the well-being of their relatives. Home dialysis, for instance, is now...
Epitome Movember Growing Awareness for Men’s Health

Epitome Movember Growing Awareness for Men’s Health

Epitome Movember Growing Awareness for Men’s Health Movember isn’t just about moustaches—it’s about taking a stand for men’s health and starting conversations that can save lives. At Epitome Hospitals, we believe in making health a priority for everyone, especially men who often neglect their well-being. This Movember, let’s talk about what matters: early detection of prostate and testicular cancer, breaking the silence around mental health, and encouraging men to care for themselves as much as they care for others. What Is Movember and Why Does It Matter? Movember began...
Benefits of Walking for Kidney Failure Patients on Hemodialysis

Benefits of Walking for Kidney Failure Patients on Hemodialysis

While none of us need to have special intelligence or a degree to know that physical activity of any form including walking helps our body stay healthy. Of all physical activities walking is one of the least technical, low impact, effective form of exercise which is easiest to incorporate in your daily routine. I say its one of the easiest to incorporate in our routines, for most of us, considering we don't need training to walk, no special equipments needed, no need to go to a special gym, training centre etc. Walking, as a form of moderate-intensity exercise, can significantly benefit...
What You Need to Know Before, During, and After a Kidney Transplant?
2 January 2024by Team Epitome

What You Need to Know Before, During, and After a Kidney Transplant?

The progression of kidney disease often occurs gradually over time and is generally asymptomatic at first. Diabetes, high blood pressure, and certain infections can all cause kidney problems, reducing their capacity to filter waste and excess fluids from the body. Individuals with kidney disease may suffer symptoms such as weariness, nausea, vomiting, itching, and edema as the condition progresses. End-stage kidney disease (ESKD) occurs when the kidneys fail to function properly, needing therapies such as dialysis or kidney transplantation for survival.   ESKD and the Requirement for...